The Weekend Report

- I began knitting something cute and fun, which cannot be revealed at the moment.
- Went estate/Yard sale hunting on Saturday. I found this adorable vintage enamel pot for $3. In good condition too. I will post it up later so you can all see! Then a long nap followed by knitting and a movie.
- We also took a little road trip to Park City, UT. Beautiful! It is this little city burrowed inbetween a hilly landscape. There are so many cute little shops and scenic ski-lift rides! Not that we did any of that, but I plan to in the future.
The Friday Give-Away ~ Vintage Gardens

2. What inspires you the most?

Will be back tomorrow

Basically, we commemorate the early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for fleeing persecution in the east and traveling by hand-cart on foot to the Salt Lake Valley. There was a lot of death and suffering during their travels. They left the east because their homes were being burned, husbands being tarred and feathered and mobs killing there families, all because of disagreance of religious beliefs. It became to dangerous to live there.
LOVE this!

It makes me want to have one of my own!! I used to actually...not sure why I don't anymore.
See the List
Frugal Find

I was walking through Urban Outfitters the other day and ran into these recycled letters (they are metal). So cool. And only $8.00 each, not bad in my book. If only I had a place to hang them...
No Give-Away this week
3 is a magic number
1. What are the last 3 things you purchased?
• Computer services from the Geek Squad
• Pizza
• I think maybe Taco Bell...I am poor, so I don't spend that often.
2. What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
• Ingrid Michaelson's album, which covers the last 3 songs.
3. Where were the last 3 places you visited?
• Mesa, AZ (oh...how I miss you)
• Las Vegas, NV
• San Diego, CA
4. What are your 3 favorite movies?
• Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly version)
• Just Friends
• The Burbs
5. What are your 3 favorite possessions?
• my husband :)
• my red and gold chair that sits in my family room
• the scriptures I used from age 8-20.
6. What 3 things can you not live without?
• my husband
• my family
• my religion (boring answers, I know, but they are true)
7. What would be your 3 wishes?
• for my friends and family to all live in the same state as me!
• to have Tyler be magically done with school so we can experience financial freedom
• to have my loved ones and myself be free from any illnesses
8. What are 3 things you have not done yet?
• had a child
• learned how to crochet
• become an official calligrapher
9. What are your 3 favorite dishes?
• Tagliarini Picchi Pacchiu from Carrabba's
• my Granny's Turkey Gumbo
• Macaroni and cheese (not Kraft, we're talkin' the good stuff)
10. What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
This is hard because I don't get into celebrities like most people do.
• David Spade--down to earth and funny.
• Tom Petty--he seems cool.
• Steve Carrell --for obvious reasons
11. Name 3 things that freak you out.
• the idea of being kidnapped
• whoopie pies (I was sick when I ate one last, now the thought of them makes me want to throw-up)
• Blood and guts--I can't watch.
12. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
• caring
• independent (not in a feminist way...)
• creative
13. Name 3 unusual things you are good at.
• decorating
• bookkeeping
• cooking
14. What are 3 things you are currently coveting?
• this swimsuit
• a house (in 10 years)
• long hair
15. What 3 bloggers would you like tag?
EVERYONE! Put this on your blog, then leave a comment with a link so we can all learn about you too!
So sorry
And the WINNER is:
The Friday Give-Away ~ The Cozy Sister
I am intrigued with Lynde and her skills with beading and wire. I really don't think I could ever be good at wire wrapping, mainly because I don't have the patience. But Lynde, you rock at it! I love how her shop has a recognizable style. All of her pieces compliment each other. Here are my top 3 pics in her shop:

And the winner is...
My dream



It's a funny show. My husband stumbled upon it on youtube out of boredom. We have watched one episode on line and it pleased us. You can listen to one of their little ditties here. However, I must inform you that I have only had a little taste of these guys, so if you happen upon something inappropriate, I didn't know about it. Research them at your own risk. But the link is clean for sure!
I miss them

I made these delicious cakes for the 4th, except I used raspberries and blueberries. It's a fantastic Martha recipe that I have had for a few years and my favorite thing about them is they make extra. I love getting up in the morning and having one of these sweet biscuits. I ate them all. I miss them.
I also sprinkle that chunky (trubanido??) sugar on top of each buscuit before baking. It makes a world of difference. And I don't actually use a real vanilla bean. Extract is fine.
But do make these little treasures, even if you just make the biscuits. You will not regret it!
The Friday Give-Away ~ My Lavaliere

a to-die-for Pink Filigree Necklace

And the winner is...
Sorry for the lame-ness

Yeah...she's a beauty. I don't think I even read her post, sadly. I just stared and imagined the room I would put it in...if I had such a room. Someday.
I love green.