Alas My Dear is a very creative Etsy shop that features many unique and playful jewelry designs. I love this give-away! I wish I could enter myself! Here are a few of my favorites in her shop:

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
Hallo! I'm Deborah, and I'm the happy owner of Alas! My Dear. I'm 28 this year. I'm a grad student doing cancer research by day, and a craft nerd by night. I live in Singapore with Mr. AlasMyDear and his family in a little house with a garden full of gnomes and pigs.
I make quirky jewelry and pins, and the occasional card when an idea grabs me by the throat. I work mainly with charms, cloth, felt and vintage and recycled materials.
2. What inspires your creativity the most?
Mainly nature, books, and lurking around the net. I love StumbleUpon! Apart from that, sometimes a particular finding or piece of cloth speaks to me so loudly that I just have to do something with it. to make it shut up. And I get many, many ideas at the time when I'm semi-conscious, either just about to fall asleep or just about to wake up.
3. How long have you been creating?
I was fairly 'artsy' as a child, my mother tells me that I was always painting, drawing, making little zines and cards. I got pretty stifled during my years in school (I was very academic - an awful swor and nerd!). I only had time for creativity in university, and after I started working. That's been about 8 years now.
4. What was the inspiration for your shop name?
I'm terrible at time management! I have a day job, which keeps me busy most of the day. I only get to create on weekends and evenings - which eats into family time. Mr. AlasMyDear has to pinch and drag me away from the work table. "Als, my dear!" was something he used to say when he saw me taking out my crafty tools.
5. Do you sell anywhere other than Etsy?
Currently my pieces are inly available at my etsy shop at
And now the give-away:
This adorable ducky necklace! I love it!!

I like the gingerbread date lariat, toggle your teapot, a penny for your thoughts (that one is hilarious!) and carnival carousel earrings. The giveaway is waay cute too!
I love the Gold Cleopatra Lariat! It's too gorgeous!
Deborah's shop is beautiful! My favorite piece is Let Freedom Swing. Very clever. spinachandpeaceATgmailDOTcom
interesting! i like the 'icy teeth drop' earrings, such a unique-looking bead.
thanks for entering me! i have weekly giveaways as well.
Oh wow love your shop, it's beautiful.
Loving your hanging cat necklace its just so cute :)
Wow! So colorful a nd unique!
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