Featuring Dani Designs!
Allow me to introduce Dani, the owner of Dani Designs. Her shop is just super! She is really gifted at jewelry making and it is apparent that it is a passion for her. Her necklaces always have uniques charms and meaning. I strongly suggest giving this ladies shop a looksee! You will enjoy, here are some of my favorites:

1.Tell us a little about yourself.
Well, I'm a proud mom of a wonderful, energetic 2 year old boy. My family is the most important thing in my life and I truly cherish every moment with them. I studied Merchandising at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NY. I love art, the expression; the deep connections that you leave are incredible to me. Art, creation has been in my life ever since I can remember. Picking up that pen or creating something runs through my blood.
2. What inspires your creativity the most?
Love, Happiness, Beleiving...Encouraging. Really everything inspires me. Each piece has hidden messages, whether it was the color bead that was picked or the charm that moved me. I want people to know when they wear one of my pieces that it was created for them.
3. How did you find Etsy and what made you decide to sell on Etsy?
A close friend who shops on Etsy told me about it. She really encouraged me to give it a try. She said, "these pieces were too pretty to keep locked away." So, I'm giving it a try.
4. How long have you been creating?
For as long as I can remember, I even think I was creating when I was an infant! When I was young I loved to draw. It was the only way that I could express myself. Then I started to write. Everything I have ever done in my life has been through art. It's really all I know, and I know it's the only thing that would make me happy.
5. What was the inspiration for your shop name?
My nickname is Dani, both my family and friends call me that. I wanted my shop to be a place where people thought of me as a friend. Creating or designing for them.
**Typist's note: I think Dani would be great at creating that special gift for someone, using beads that reflect who that person is or why they are special to you.
What's the Give-Away?
This beautiful necklace handmade by Dani herself (24" nickel ball chain, can be cut to any length winner wants).

Here is her meaning behind these wonderful charms:
Vintage buffalo coin
Feather = symbol of native american buffalo coin
Vintage stone black bead = Earth and stability
Clear bead = purity and clarity
Post a comment to win. Let us know what your favorite item is in Dani's shop, or say something you like about her. Make sure you leave a way I can contact you incase you are the winner. Contest closes at noon Mountain time on Thursday. Winner will be announced Thursday afternoon. Good Luck!!
Dani is so talented... her pieces are beautiful -and- meaningful. I'm so excited to see her featured here!
Audrey Ma
Wow, I love that each piece has that special meaning behind it...I'd have to say my favorite would be Tree of Hope:
I've added it to my favorites & hope to own it someday...such a gorgeous piece!
Cute! I love charms!
what a great etsy seller to feature!! my fav is locked on luck http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9941453
Go Dani! I'm so happy for you. Everything is so beautiful. The Tree of Hope necklace is also my favorite piece. Good luck with the business!
How fun are your giveaways?! I'm totally loving 'em! I know I just won, but the Dangles & the Tree of Hope necklace are fab! It doesn't hurt to try, right?! ;)
Beautiful pieces! I love Butterfly Kisses! I wish Dani loads of success with her business!
OMG great pcs. Good Luck Dani!
I love all of your pcs! You are so talented. I wish you all the luck in your business and can't wait to see more!
I love this giveaway!! I actually like all of Dani's pieces...I like that each charm has a meaning to it! What a great way to boost you energy!
Wow!! Dani's really talented! I love all her pieces!! My fave is Lost at the Beach - a real sand dollar dipped in gold! Nice!!! There's a store near my place which dips real flowers in gold. They're REAL nice!!
I really like this item! It makes me feel so peaceful!
Such cute pieces!!! Thanks for sharing.
I love all of them, but the one with the buffalo coin is really fabulous. yearning.....
Her jewelry is beautiful, I love these http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=10174542 !
Her Lost At the Beach necklace is my favorite...I'm such a fan of the ocean, and love items that remind me of it!
great feature and I love the necklace! My grandparents were native american so Im drawn to it!
Such beautiful work. I cannot believe how gorgeous this stuff is.
Very beautiful!
I have known Dani for quite some time and she has always held the meaning of "inspiration" very dear to her heart. You can truly tell the amount of in-depth, unique personalization that goes into each of her pieces. It is so special to know that her artwork creations were made by the very two hands of the original creator and was each thought out to be very special. I am so proud that she has found this site to showcase her invidual talent. I wish her all the luck and hope that her business flourishes into what she has dreamed.
By the way Dani, that last comment was from me... Krissy. (My name got cut off).
P.S. Your jewelry is so unique and special... beautiful! I love the Buffalo Charm since I have always had a love for the native american culture and their respect for all wild animals. Your tree of hope is also so pretty... when I stare at it, it make me think that somewhere in our roots... there is a n unknown stregnth to push on against all odds.... these pieces seem to make me ponder something for each and every one.
OH, so pretty! I am just getting back into the jewelry world and would love such a stunning piece to wrap around my neck!
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