This week's give-away is delightful! Something new and different: a talented collage-ist (if that is even a word). I love Joy's designs and her ability to let her creativity have no bounds (something I struggle with). She uses great colors and objects. Congratulations Joy, I like what you do! Not to mention Joy is funny! I love funny! Here are some faves from her shop:

My name is Joy, but online I go by Joy Patrice. I am a freelance graphic designer and artist. I think I'm at a point in my life where all the hard work, chances and mistakes are beginning to pay off. I love what I do, where I am, and (thighs aside) who I am.
2. What inspires your creativity the most?
Music, other artists and the color pink. I'm pretty sure it's because my mom was an anti-pink feminist of the mid-70's and dressed me like a boy. Anyways, I was able to convert our attic inot a perfect pink studio. And since I'm a collector of things, I keep it all nearby for quick absorption.
3. How long have you been creating?
I started creating when I was pregnant with my boy Arthur, 10 years ago. Since the graphic design career was temporarily on hold, I decided to teach myself how to use acrylics and watercolor. I really truly sucked but I didn't stop trying. I have a stubborn faith in myself (my mantra is "someday it will make sense").
4. Do you sell anywhere other than Etsy?
Not yet, but I'm looking for opportunities to sell my work. Check out my blog for updates. And visit my professional potfolio just because.
5. Where did you learn your creating skills?
I went to a local community college for my degree in graphic design. But as far as painting and collage, I am absolutely self-taught. Thank you internet.
And now, The Friday Give-Away:
Joy is offering this cuter-than-cute artwork made by her!

Just post a comment to enter to win. Make sure you tell Joy what you love in or about her shop. Contest ends at noon mountain time on Thursday. Make sure you leave a way I can contact you incase you are the winner!
What a great giveaway!
Joy, I LOVE this from your shop:
and I also love your prices!!
I love joy's stuff. she's a gentelman and a scholar!
Kristopher Pollard
Joy's art is unique and brilliant. So much of it strikes a chord in me that resonates into my childhood, when my mind was so much more playful. I like how her art brings me back to that important state.
Amber J.
I like the lamby. It is so cute.
I have seen Joy's artwork blossom over the past 10 years into something that truly expresses who she is. Joy, like her art, is a beautiful, caring woman who still knows how to tap into the little girl's heart inside of her.
I love "Girl". I just had my first daughter and artwork like that (and like what you are giving away) makes me feel all mushy and motherly as I think of her.
And your prices are extremely affordable - which can be hard to find on Etsy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a piece of Joy's art that she made especially for me and this one resonates in a similar way. Wouldn't I be so lucky to have two JP Harmon pieces in my house? ;-)
Cool! I love the Belly Bunny Button :)
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
oh, I love EVERYTHING I saw, but especially the 'insanely cheap' prices!
I love how whimsical your shop is...and I like the Belly Bunny Button and Wolf Girl images. :)
this collage could not get any cuter! I love it! YAY. joy's blog link isn't working for me.
It is soooo cute! It just makes you smile when you look at it!! That is what I like - things that make me smile!
All of the pieces seem to bring a smile to my face. I'd love to look at these every day. They'd bring so much Joy.
I love all your stuff. Especially all the colors..
I like the apple bunny
The products are beautiful and I have the satisfaction of knowing that I won't have the same items as every Mary, Martha, and Jane has. I can have items that reflect my personality.
I absolutely love your drawings! The one in the drawing is actually my fave though!
They make me smile!
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