I have always wanted to knit, even when I was a little girl. I remember my Great Grandma Freeman teaching me how to crochet when I was about 8 years old. She even gave me a lot of hooks in all different colors, which I still have. Unfortunately, I never really retained the process because of my busy life playing in the neighborhood with my friends. Therefore, the art of crocheting quickly left my memory.
However, my desire to learn to knit never really left, and I would even think about it quite often. My excuse for never learning early on is lack of time or the fear of stinking at it. All that changed when my good friend, Jill, gave me my birthday present: a gift card to Barnes and Noble.
As I was wandering through the store with my husband one night (which is a routine activity, by the way) I saw a little "teach yourself how to knit" kit. I thought to myself "Well, there is no better time than now". We had just moved out of state and due to my lack of friends and family around me I had more spare time than ever. So I bought it.
I started right when I got home. I must admit, my first knitting job was a wreck. There were holes every now and then and I was doing a basic garter stitch. That project was a loss. My second adventure was making baby booties for a friend who was about to have her first baby. I was so proud of them at the time, but looking back I now realize how hilarious they are. Not thinking, I used size 10 needles and chunky yarn. Needless to say, they were cute, but would probably fit a 4 year old. The funny thing is I gave them to her anyway! We laughed and she reassured me by letting me know that baby Henry had large feet for a baby...right.
I feel so much more confident in my knitting skills now. I have learned that patterns slow me down. I enjoy free hand a lot more. However, patterns help me to see through the eye's of the pattern creator and I learn new techniques, so I force a pattern on me every now and then.
The interesting thing about this new found hobbie is that I think it will stick with me for years. I am always finding new hobbies: jewelry making, oil painting, flower pins, calligraphy, you name it. I think I have so many hobbies because I get bored and need some change. But in the case of knitting I never find myself bored. It's like my therapy. I think it might be because the
possibilities are endless, unlike jewelry where you can only make necklaces, bracelets, etc.
My usual daily routine is going home from work, making dinner and then knitting while my husband reads or watches CNN, Man vs. Wild, Cash Cab or something rented from The Red Box (which I am a huge supporter of). Sounds a little mature for a couple 20-somethings, doesn't it?
I guess it could be considered grandma-ish. My teenage cousin asked if I was 90 when she found out and I visited home a little while back and knitted while I watched TV with my 26 year old brother. He looked at me and said "You aren't actually going to do that in front of me are you?".
Point being, I don't care if it's grandma...and if it is, then I will make an awesome grandma someday. And Jill, thank you for the birthday gift. I owe my new love for knitting to you. Maybe I will knit you something special, just for you.
Wow Lindsee, this is co cute! This almost makes me want to learn how to knit!
Yeah- I'm a believer... but lets face it... it will be impossible to ever have as many awesome hobbies and talents in the creativeland as you... like ever! So cute Linz- love the blog and the store and the cute things... I hope you keep it up!
Love it! I knit everywhere (well almost). Keep it up you've got a great eye. I started at age 8 but got good at it at 18.
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