This weeks give-away is splendid! I love the creative approach to Renee's jewelry. She has unique ideas that are fun, but her jewelry looks so classy!

Just leave a comment to enter. Make sure you tell us what you love about Renee's shop. And leave a way I can contact you if you are the winner. Contest ends at noon mountain time on Thursday. Winner will be announced that afternoon.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Renee and I am 30 years old. During the day I am an art and music teacher in a NYC public school. I love working with children and seeing the things that they create. Now that I am on summer vacation, I get to devote most of my time to my Etsy shop and planning for my July 2009 wedding! I also enjot crocheting and collecting vintage dolls.
2. What inspires your creativity the most?
I love the materials I use in my creations. I experiment with different color combinations. I especially love using brass and vintage plastic pieces.
3. How did you find Etsy and what made you decide to sell on Etsy?
My brother ( sent me the link in October 2005. I believe he found it on the MAKE blog. I was a buyer for a couple months and then finally decided to open my own shop in June 2006. I just thought it would be fun to sell, and never thought I would become addicted to it!
4. How long have you been creating?
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. My mother and grandmother taught me how to draw and as a child I always occupied myself by drawing, painting, coloring, sewing, creating anything, etc.
5. Where did you learn your creating skills?
I studied drawing, painting, sculpture and ceramics in college but my jewelry creating is self-taught.
This adorable necklace!!!

Just leave a comment to enter. Make sure you tell us what you love about Renee's shop. And leave a way I can contact you if you are the winner. Contest ends at noon mountain time on Thursday. Winner will be announced that afternoon.
If you would like to receive a once-a-month email informing you of what items will be featured at the give-aways, please let me know by emailing me or mentioning it in your comment.
Kiss Tag Necklace-- very cute!
oooo as soon as I saw the bird necklace I was in love. Idk why but I'm liking the bird theme lately!!
I like the Music is in the Air Necklace
Hands down -- I love the Magical Seahorse Necklace most!
Thanks, guys!!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I've had my eye on the Filigree Bird Necklace for a while! I love the colors of the bird!!
Plus Renee ROCKS!!!
Such beautiful necklaces! My fav is "What Time Is It" necklace. I love the idea of getting the time around my neck, rather than my wrist! Lol.
zlyn88 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love Renee's retro styled necklaces. Somehow, the charms she chooses remind me of a sweeter, more innocent time. I almosst remember a charm like this telephone on a childhood charm bracelet. Love it.
The I Love You Postcard necklace is adorable! What cute ideas!! IUts just fun looking around her site! Thanks!
I like the Frog Lily Pad Necklace
I love Renee's jewelry and am the proud owner of many necklaces and several pairs of earrings. I first discoverd her through a friend of mine who purchased a necklace from her a couple of years ago and I've been in love with her stuff ever since then. Keep up the good work, Renee!
One of my very first Etsy purchase was a pair on black and white earrings from Reyney! I still wear them all the time and everyone wants them! Her goods are fantastic!!
wow! typos.. sorry, but you guys get the drift ! :)
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