Friday Give-Away ~ Art of Andrew Daniel
Isn't this artwork amazing? I demand you go immediately to this shop and see all it has to offer...but then come back. You will not be disappointed. Just look:

I live in rural Northern California, about 6 hours north of San Francisco, in a small college town of Arcata. After studying art at three universities I went into working with kids for seven years. While I spent so much time with the wee ones, I found myself inspired by the bold "crayola" colors and the imaginative exploration that I was around. Also, I loved to check out the childrens books from the school library and share them with the kids.
Religious art has inspired me for a long time as well, and I have been looking for ways to express some of those feelings...in a more secular language.
This year is my first year as a full time artist! It has been quite interesting, learning to deal with the issues of self discipline, self promotion, and isolation that comes from the studio life. Growing and adjusting I guess...
2. How long have you been creating?
Well, I guess I have been doing this since I was a kid, taking it more seriously as time moved on. These days I try to take it less seriously, more intuitively.
3. Where did you learn your skills?
When I was in second grade, I knew this kid named Gan Golan from summer camp. Man could he draw! All the kids would huddle around him to see what he would come up with. His father was an artist too. It was then that I decided that art was something I wanted to work at. Along the way, I have turned to many, many masters throughout history, by spending lots of time in libraries and museums. Art history is such a rich well to dip from! Also, I had many great teachers, professors and artists who have been very generous with their time. I only hope to create something that really reflects potential of what I learned someday!
4. What is your most memorable creation?
Usually my mind is more focused on the future, but there are a few pieces that I hold up as ideals in my mind. Probably the painting that I have in my living room called "Radiant Forest" is my current ideal painting. I would love to be able to use it as a spring board for growth and some day look back on it and laugh at how it tormented me. Right now it boggles me a bit. I nailed so many issues that I still struggle with today!
5. How did you find Esty?
I came across Etsy often when I was using online artists forums. Many artists had links to their shops. At one point I was looking into getting a shopping cart for my own website. That was when I remembered Etsy and decided to give it a try! It has been much better than having just a regular shopping cart on my own site, because it comes with this huge base of customers that see your items as well as those you can bring yourself.
And the Winner is...
winners are chosen through random.org
Tomorrow will be another great give-away!
The Friday Give Away ~ MD Sparks
Monica with MD Sparks is the feature this week! She has a fantastic Etsy shop full of gorgeous jewelry! Her shop has so much style and class, not to mention the photos are great! All of her jewelry is feminine and affordable.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a college graduate! YAY! I earned a bachelors degree in philosohpy and am currently working in the commercial investment world. I love literature and writing, (although I am awful at grammer). I am currently training for a half marathon, and I'm addicted to playing with beads and string:)
2. How did you hear about Etsy?
I found Etsy through a friend. She emailed me a link to the homepage and suggested I start selling my jewelry online. Prior to this, I had made jewelry for myself and friends - but had never thought about actually selling it to other people. So I decided to give it a shot.
3. How long have you been making jewelry?
I started making jewelry during my last semester of school, so about October-November of 2007.
4. How did you come up with your shop name?
My initials are MD. And sparks are pretty flashy things - like my jewelry!
5. Do you sell your jewelry anywhere else?
Besides Etsy, I am currently selling my jewelry in three local boutiques.


Remember when movies would talk about "The Year 2000" (I certainly hope you all read that phrase Conan O'Brien style. If not, I am disappointed). It was all supposed to be like the Jetsons would live. Silly.
via:: Threadless
Friday Give Away ~ Reyney
This weeks give-away is splendid! I love the creative approach to Renee's jewelry. She has unique ideas that are fun, but her jewelry looks so classy!

Just leave a comment to enter. Make sure you tell us what you love about Renee's shop. And leave a way I can contact you if you are the winner. Contest ends at noon mountain time on Thursday. Winner will be announced that afternoon.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Renee and I am 30 years old. During the day I am an art and music teacher in a NYC public school. I love working with children and seeing the things that they create. Now that I am on summer vacation, I get to devote most of my time to my Etsy shop and planning for my July 2009 wedding! I also enjot crocheting and collecting vintage dolls.
2. What inspires your creativity the most?
I love the materials I use in my creations. I experiment with different color combinations. I especially love using brass and vintage plastic pieces.
3. How did you find Etsy and what made you decide to sell on Etsy?
My brother (www.geekgear.etsy.com) sent me the link in October 2005. I believe he found it on the MAKE blog. I was a buyer for a couple months and then finally decided to open my own shop in June 2006. I just thought it would be fun to sell, and never thought I would become addicted to it!
4. How long have you been creating?
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. My mother and grandmother taught me how to draw and as a child I always occupied myself by drawing, painting, coloring, sewing, creating anything, etc.
5. Where did you learn your creating skills?
I studied drawing, painting, sculpture and ceramics in college but my jewelry creating is self-taught.
This adorable necklace!!!

Just leave a comment to enter. Make sure you tell us what you love about Renee's shop. And leave a way I can contact you if you are the winner. Contest ends at noon mountain time on Thursday. Winner will be announced that afternoon.
If you would like to receive a once-a-month email informing you of what items will be featured at the give-aways, please let me know by emailing me or mentioning it in your comment.
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